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Fire Extinguisher Ball – Revolutionary!!!

Original price was: $25.75.Current price is: $5.00.

Monday Morning Special Price ONLY $5 each or three for $10

IVA Included In Price

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6 in stock

SKU: FS0301 Category: Tags: , ,
SKU: FS0301 Category: Tags: , ,
SKU: FS0301 Category: Tags: , ,

Advantages Over Traditional Fire Extinguishers

  • It is very simple to use. Just throw or roll the ball into a fire. This helps you keep a safe distance from a fire. When the fire extinguisher ball remains in contact with the flames, it will absorb the heat as it reaches a temperature of 270 degrees Celsius and will activate within 3 to 5 seconds and effectively extinguish the fire with a cloud of fire suppressant.
  • It comes with a small metal bracket that can be installed near propane tanks, stoves, or other areas of concern. Even if you’re not present, the fire extinguisher ball will protect against unattended fires.
  • It is very small and works well for both residential and commercial spaces. Because of its compact size, it is portable and can even be placed inside a car.
  • Weighing in at just 1.3 kilograms, the fire extinguisher ball is very lightweight and can easily be used by anyone, even children and the elderly.
  • Upon activation, the fire extinguisher ball will pop off a loud audible noise warning those in the vicinity that something hazardous has occurred.
  • It uses environmentally friendly dry chemical powder to extinguish Class A (combustible materials), Class B (flammable liquids), and Class C (flammable gas).
  • The lifespan of the fire extinguisher ball is 5 years. No need for annual inspections or maintenance.