Electromagnetic Field Health Primer
Some people are allergic to milk. Some people have bad reactions from eating peanuts. And some people are sensitive to electromagnetic fields. In fact, some people have extremely low immunity to electromagnetic radiation. (Just like some people have a low immunity to nicotine and can’t get away with smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for years.)

Where Do Electromagnetic Fields Come From?
Simply put, EMFs come from electricity:
- In your home– cordless phones, hairdryers, vacuums, refrigerators, microwave ovens, irons, televisions (the flat panel TVs are much better than the old box-style TVs), main ring and lighting circuits, dimmer switches, electric blankets, electric razors, electric toothbrushes, WiFi, etc.
- In your office– computers, fluorescent or halogen lighting, fax machines, photocopiers, scanners, cell phones and WiFi.
- Outside– power lines (high voltage cables either overhead or buried in the ground), transformers (the gray cylinders raised up on poles that look like trash cans), electrical substations, cell phone towers, cities that provide citywide wireless Internet (WiFi) and electromagnetic radiation from near neighbors’ electronic equipment.
Common Symptoms
Persistent headaches, hand aches when holding a cellphone, and insomnia are the most common symptoms. Other symptoms may include a lack of concentration, dizziness, irritability, restlessness and anxiety, nausea, skin burning and tingling, and dysesthesia (a painful, often itchy sensation). High-level EMF exposure is known to cause neurological and physiological problems by disrupting human nerve function. Unfortunately, few physicians are trained to look for EMF sensitivity, so it often goes undiagnosed.

The biggest offenders in most homes are typically wireless Internet (WiFi) and cordless and cell phones. (WiFi routers typically emit a signal that is WAY more powerful that is actually necessary.)

How much EMF radiation is safe?
According to the TriField’s EMF Meter guide:
“Absolute safe levels have not been established. However, according to our research, there have not been problems associated with staying below:
3mG Standard Magnetic or 5 mG Weighted Magnetic
50 V/m Standard or Weighted Electric
0.2 mW/m2 RF (field measurement) or 1.0 mW/m2 (peak measurement.)”
Since many forms of EMF are sent as pulses, when measuring, use the peak number shown on your meter. For example, cell phones using 3G or 4G send their information in packets. So, when you are looking at your EMF meter, you’ll see the measurement dance around as the packets are loaded. The peak measurement shows the best measurement to use when determining safe levels.
More specific information about the potential harmfulness of EMF radiation, refer to the following information: https://www.radiationresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/EU-EMF2018-6-11US3.pdf
For a starting place when researching the dangers of 5G technology, the link below might be a good starting place: https://ecfsapi.fcc.gov/file/1053072081009/5G%20Radiation%20Dangers%20-%2011%20Reasons%20To%20Be%20Concerned%20_%20ElectricSense.pdf
For more in-depth learning, go to the search engine www.duckduckgo.com and type in: dr devra davis 5g